but im typing this blog from my Thailand hotel hahahahaha!!!
I have come all this way to visit my Dad whom I havent seeen for a good 6 years!!  Luckliy for him...and me...we are fitness fanatics and I have been going to the gym each morning in readiness for getting "stuck in" to my training when I get home!
Oh Joy of Joys! They have a spinning bike along with various programmes for me to get my teeth into, although 45 mins of interval training left me red faced, sweaty and a little bit worried about what Ive naively set out to do!!  But hey, a lot can be achieved in 6 months.....cant it??  Well I flippin hope so cos Ive got A LOT to do!

I also picked up a couple of books at the airport by Lance Armstrong who is a freakin machine!!   Seriously inspirational stuff not only for cycling enthusiasts but for anyone affected by Cancer or indeed experiencing any significant life challenge.  The guy has such a great attitude he just fills you with GET UP AND GOOOOOO!!!!

Will pop back soon for more updates on training......"The Thailand Phase" lol!

as gratefull as i am for a laptop and access to home, I hate this freakin keyboard!!  Its got a bloody mind of its own and rearranges my text at a drop of a hat......so apologies for any garbled sections I havent noticed lol!!

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