Yeah look at me go!!
Well....AHEM.....not quite lol!

Today was the first day of the NEW programme and day one is....LEG DAY.....

A punishing schedule of high reps quick succesion sets of quads / hamstrings and calf exercises to help improve my muscles endurance ability.

I didnt wear my garmin today as there was little cardio work in todays programme.  It went something like this....

5 mins warm-up on bike

1 x static squat to failure

15 x squats x 3 sets with 15 secs break between each set

15 x alternate leg lunges with dumbells (30 in total) x 3 sets with 15 secs break inbetween each

15 x one leg squats x 3 sets with 15 secs break inbetween

15 x leg extensions on machine x 2 sets with 15 secs inbetween

15 x leg curls x 3 sets with 15 secs break in between

15 x dead lifts x 3 sets with 15 secs break inbetween

15 x calf raises x 4 sets with 15 secs break inbetween

static calf raise to failure on each leg

15 x adducter x 3 sets with 15 secs inbetween

15 x abductor x 3 sets with 15 secs inbetween

5 mins cool down on bike

Abs and stretches to finish

Limp back to changing room with jelly legs and realise you forgot towel, shower and dry yourself with t-shirt.......again  **rolls eyes**

Get dressed and realise you forgot socks....put on gym socks after spraying with deodorant!

Go to work and walk round the office like an arthritic fool!

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