On Tuesday I cycled to work and back taking a slightly different route there incorporating Coventry Road as I think it is a tougher hill than the original way I was going.  Probably no steeper but a longer climb which is good for leg endurance.  It is a slightly slower start thanks to 2 x pedestrian crossings but other than that the route is fairly comparable. 
I came back through Corley and Fillongley which again is a hillier route than bulkington and was pleased that I was slightly quicker than when I did this last time even though it was pee-ing it down and quite windy!  So that is encouraging!
Wednesday was Gym day....workout two!  Slightly more cardio and an upper body workout.  So I did 10 mins on the stepper and 10 mins on the recumbant bike.  You can see from the stats that the stepper is a btter cardio workout so I may ditch the bike in favour of the stepper!
Gym programme consisted of.....
Chest press - 2 x sets of 15 with 15 sec break between (same for all exercises)
Pec Deck - 2 sets x 15 reps
Rear Delt flies - 2 sets x 15 reps
Lateral Pull Down - 2 x sets of 15 reps
Shoulder Press - 2 x sets of 15 reps
Lateral Raises (free weights) - 2 x sets of 15 reps
Bicep Curls (free weights) - 2 x sets of 15 reps
Tricep extensions - 1 x set of 15 on machine
Tricep ext - 1 x set of 15 with free weights

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