Well downloaded my garmin from Monday nights training and Im confused that although I take the same route to work I get differing mileages......
Plus this last 2 days I seem to be getting very odd calorie counts which is annoying to a stats freak like me!

Monday mornings ride to work has the date of Thursday night!  and the heart rate monitor doesnt seem to have worked properly either ?!?!? It shows less calories than usual yet I KNOW i got there in the quickest time yet!
Monday nights ride DOES have the correct date and time but again the calorie count seems off with comparitive rides......
Although I have to say that the evening rides have left me wiped out, feeling dizzy and just not feeling "good" during the ride home.  I have a feeling that im just not taking in enough food during the day to sustain the ride home....yet im not loosing weight?  But then again im so starving by the time I get home that I PIG OUT!  I think I need to re-think my nutrition regime and perhaps not take in MORE calories but to space the meals out differently throughout the day.  We will see........

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